Monday, March 23, 2009

Chapter 9

In Chapter 9 we examine the curriculum of elementary, middle, and high schools in terms past, present, and future. In a growing world of technology it is imperative we incorporate the advances of technology in our curriculum. As we read in the chapter, some schools are now replacing textbooks with laptops. As an administrator, how would you incorporate technology into the future curriculum goals for your school and how would you regulate the use of technology (i.e. computers and the Internet)?


  1. With the ever increasing reliance on technology, incorporating it into the curriculum seems like a necessity. Regulation of sites students are able to access should come from the division technology office with the use of filters. I want students to be proficient in computer use, so it will be important to teach basic computer skills as early as possible. Students are using computers on a daily basis in kindergarten these days. Teaching and using technology in schools will only further enable students to become productive citizens in our future society.

  2. I would incorporate technology in the curriculum to motivate students to want to learn. Since this generation is a technology generation curriculum needs to be developed that uses technology. Students will enjoy learning and will continue to strenthen their technology skills which will help them prepare for the future workforce.

  3. As a future administrator I think that it is very important for your teachers to be models of learning for their students. Therefore, I would require teachers to use technology in their classrooms on a daily basis. Differentiated instruction becomes much simpler once technological tools such as SmartBoards, streaming videos, PowerPoints, and Internet activities become involved. Though it takes a little extra time on the teacher's part, I feel that using technology will sink the information in the child's head while engaging them at the same time.

    Not only would the teachers be required to use technology, the students would also be expected to complete projects that help reinforce the basic technological skills that they will need to be equipped with to compete for 21st century jobs in the global marketplace.

  4. As an administrator, I would provide my staff with the most up-to-date technology available. In my classroom alone I have a SmartBoard, an Elmo and a CPS system. I use this each day. In order for teachers to be comfortable to use this technology, they must know how. As an administrator, I would require my staff to participate in training sessions on the use of technology and the software that is required to make the technology worthwhile. Proper training and knowledge carries over to teaching our students. It is important to prepare our students to lead the future and with preparation and exposure to technology, they have a much better chance.

    It is important to require students to learn how to use technology and be comfortable with it too.
    Students will learn Internet safety and be educated on proper use of technology. Student's use of technology will be strongly supervised. Although it is important for students to adapt to technoloty it is equally important to keep in touch with the basics, such as hard copies of textbooks, resource materials, and old fashion paper and pencil. One should not rely on technology to replace the basics, just enhance them.

  5. It is very important to prepare our students for the world of technology. Therefore, I feel like it will be a must to have a multitude of professional development opportunities for my staff with regards to training and knowledge of the vast array of educational technology. It will be very important to allow the teachers ample time to learn the technology and a lot of follow-up to ensure proper and successful implementation. I would also hope to be able to provide my staff with the latest technology.

    I really liked what Seth said about setting technology expectations for the students because these students will need these technology skills in the work place of tomorrow.

  6. Technology is essential for today's society, and will be even more so in the future. As an administrator, I would encourage teachers to keep up with the latest developments in technology and provide them with training on how to incorporate the latest gadgets in the classroom.

    Regulation would certainly be vital. To protect students, I would have teachers to utilize only password protected websites/ services. If users have to sign in, then we could track who contributes and views submissions.

  7. Annonymous comment above posted by Sherry Greer

  8. Technology will be a big part of our student's lives. We must prepare them for this by providing opportunities for them to exceed with various forms of technology. However, I do feel that there should be limitations such has regulating certain websites and monitoring progression to see if this technology is truly beneficial in learning.
    Gabe Long

  9. I agree with everyone that as technology is being used everywhere, it is our responsibility as teachers to teach our students to use technology and to be comfortable with it. As an administrator, I would make sure it is being used in the classrooms, but I would make sure it was not required for outside of school assignments, unless it was known that all students had access to a computer. I would make sure that the students did have access in order to complete those assignments, whether it was making the technology available after school, or having it available some other way. Not all students have the technology at home, whether it is because their parents are against it, or whether they can't afford it. Therefore, it is not fair to make it a requirement for outside activities.

  10. Of course to fully incorporate technology into the curriculum the teachers must be adequately trained through professional development. With that said technology changes so rapidly that this professional development must be an ongoing process. This would help guarantee that teachers are appropriately trained to help students succeed.

    BJ Lasley

  11. At this point, it will be very difficult going totally technological given the state of knowledge by some of the faculty. Before that could take place, there would have to be numerous in-services offered to get the faculty up to speed. I do agree that the students would be more interested if the lessons were on computer. In completing the individual assignment, I see many problems with this as well. If this is what has to happen, I would begin with teacher training and go from there. Like I said, this will be dificult but can be done.

    Randy Sturgill

  12. Chuck and I have two children who are in high school. I cannot imagine how they would function in school without technology. As has been stated above, I feel for the students who do not have computers or internet access at home. Unfortunately, our schools are not able to provide the technology the students need during the school day either. Something has to be done to bridge this gap, if our students are to be competitive in the world.

  13. I would pursue the changeover to laptops from textbooks for students. The advantages for a wide range of student's needs is tremendous, from the audio capabilities for students with reading or visual difficulties to the ability to access a vast array of supplemental materials. The costs for such an endeavor are becoming less of an issue as textbooks, paper and copy supplies, and other expenses related to non-electronic resources continue to increase. The advantages for students to already have this experience as they enter college or the workforce would be invaluable. As for regulating the use of such technology, that is a concern that we already have to address every day in the use of our current computer labs. In my last school, I had installed a monitoring program on my computer that permitted me to access the screens of each student computer in the classroom, and also allowed me to communicate with them and transmit assignments etc. to them

  14. Technology is very important in order for our students to compete in today's society. Teachers would have to have many professional development opportunities. Classes taught with technology need to be very structured. Resources need to be gathered for each class to use. Standards and the curriculum need to continue being met. Computers and other technological tools need to be available for each classrooms use.

    Amanda Yarber

  15. I agree that teachers need training to effectively utilize the avaliable technology. As the text states, one reason that technology is not used is due to the insufficient training of the teachers. It is hard to keep up with many of the kids in this high tech world. The computer training I received in college, or even five years ago, is not current enough. As a future educational leader, I would offer and strongly encourage yearly participation in current trends in technology classes for staff development.

  16. Teachers would neeed to be trained so that the idea does not seem to be a waste of their time and that they fell competent with technology. By modeling the use of technology, students will more uinderstand their role using technology during assignments and projects.

    Paul Love

  17. I agree that teachers need to be trained to use the technology required to do away with textbooks. I also feel parents are in need of training. Many of the parents would not be able to help students at home if they are not aware of the capabilities.

  18. I also agree that teachers would need training to use this updated technology. It would also have to be an ongoing process because of the ever changing technology. I belive most teachers would welcome this type of instruction, especially as they see their students eagerness to work with something other than the traditional textbook.

    Kimberly Ringstaff

  19. I also agree that we need to be up to date in our classrooms as far as technology goes to be able to keep up with the computer literacy of our students. I also think that parent inservices or training that Alicia suggested is a great idea and a way to get parents more actively involved in thier childs educational process.
