Monday, March 2, 2009

Chapter 7

In this chapter we learn about Needs Assessment as it pertains to curriculum development. There are several different factors that go into developing a curriculum effectively and this chapter sheds light on several categories. For instance, when discussing the levels of student needs of concern to a curriculum planner can be identified into the following categories: 1) human, 2) national, 3) state or regional, 4) community, 5) school, and 6) individual.
If you were asked to plan the curriculum at your school or within your school division, how would you take into account these needs when planning your curriculum, and what needs do you have as a region or community?


  1. I believe that planning a curriculum for any student has to envolve the community, human, and regional aspects first. I know we are educating our childrent to be a success in society but for the most part, our children will remain in the general region from which they were educated. With this being said, regional and community issues toward education become extremely important when devising a curriculum for our students.

    Randy Sturgill

  2. I agree that the community and human aspects need to be considered before anything else. If you don't consider those, you won't get anywhere with whatever curriculum you develop. After that, I believe the regional and school aspects would be next. All of these pieces are crucial to the development of a curriculum to effectively reach our students.

    Lara Cichocki

  3. I believe it is important to take into account the individual, community, regional and human aspects. I think we are finding right now that there isn't enough consideration given to the individual....SOL's aren't matching developmental abilities of children (ie: kindergarten kids being required to count sets on money, etc.). I also agree that focusing on the community is important, because, like Randy many of these kids will remain within the same community after schooling.

  4. Like Amanda, I believe that it is crucial to take into account the individual. Our students can be categorized and sub-categorized into so many groups. As a school, we must address the needs of each and all of those students. I think that we must then consider the community, because like Randy stated, for the most part, these students are going to remain in these communities. We must create students who start and continue to be contributors to society.

  5. I believe the human, community, and individual aspects need to be considered. The community because of children staying in the same area. I feel that the needs of each individual child should be addressed with the individual aspect along with the needs that are common to all human beings on the globe.
    Gabe Long

  6. It is important to focus on the individuals, community, and nation when looking at curriculum development. Focus on the individual so their particular needs are met and to ensure that there is a logical progression of skills that are acquired. Focus on the community so the individual needs of the greater community can be met. In southwest Virginia/Northeast Tennessee, kids would be prepared for careers with companies like Eastman Chemical if they have had an extensive background in the Sciences. We also cannot forget national needs. We need to address the fact that our educational system is not preparing our students to compete in the world job market like other countries (such as the Netherlands, India, Japan, etc). We need to equip our students with the skills they need to compete in the global market place so they strengthen our country and our economy.

  7. The categories are of equal importance. The national category has become more of a focus than in the past since the world wide web has extended the workforce to international levels.

  8. I also believe that it is important to consider the community and human needs of students. The individual needs of a student seem to be the most important to consider. With our state requiring certain standards be taught, it is also important to include state needs.

  9. It is extremely important to consider the individual needs of students. It is our job as educators to make sure that the needs of all students are being met. Also, the needs of individuals students are going to be must different depending on community and/or region needs.

    BJ Lasley

  10. Judy, I agree that all categories are of equal importance. In todays society, students changing school districts seem to be happening more often due to families moving to where they can find work. Due to this , we must be sensative to all categories.

    Paul Love

  11. Each category is important to consider when developing a curriculum. It is important to recognize individual needs, but we must also prepare each student to be successful locally or abroad, therefore, preparing our students to face the world is important and we must be willing to accept the challenge in preparing them for what lies ahead.

  12. I agree that all of the needs are important. I think as a curriculum developer, I would move from the outside in: from the national, state, community, school and finally to the individual when looking at the needs. Ultimately, the needs of the individual must be foremost.

  13. In order for every child to be successful we need to focus on their individual needs. Once the students see that we care about them foremost, then we can begin looking at the other needs. Students will be more eager to learn.

    Amanda Yarber

  14. I agree with many of the posts which say all the needs are important. I believe we need to look at the needs of the student and use this information in our curriculum devlopment. We need to promote the success of ALL students.

    Kimberly Ringstaff

  15. I see national and state curriculum needs being less of a focus for school district curriculum planners. Those areas would generally be addressed by planners at higher levels. Regional, community, school, and individual needs would be more of a concern for local curriculum planning personnel,and they would be able to look at the specifics for their localities. Targeted training for business and industry in a particular geographic area would be one facet curriculum planners would have an impact on.

  16. State and national standards must be guiding documents for whatever plan we have in our schools. We must meet mandated regulations first. Community needs would certainly be important. SOme of these needs would addressed through elective classes, especially vocational areas.


  17. Anonomous comment above posted by Sherry Greer

  18. At the elementary level, I see human needs, especially those related to family, increasing at a rapid rate. Our schools need famiy counselors, parenting classes, and guidance counselors who can be available to our students. It is difficult to teach a student to read when the child is worried about being placed in foster care or if their parent is going to jail.

  19. In my area I see a lot of human needs much like Angie. There are several students who need school as an escape from the harsh reality of thier lives like Angie aludes to. So how do we overcome and adapt the curriculum to meet these needs?

    Jason Matlock
